7 things

I'm setting another intention this year and that is to blog more. I used to love blogging before I started jewel making, just as I did cooking. I really want to start getting back in to these things I enjoy more this year especially being new to a city and having the time and space to share the experience here with you. To start I'm going to bring back my weekly 7 simple things post. When I began my blog (..in 2007. wow. time .is. scary) I started a tradition of capturing 7 little moments in my week that make me happy here.

As I'm new to Denver and really haven't seen much here yet because its been so cold and snowy, I will say when I do leave my house it's always a good time. This little city seems to have many hidden gems to explore. Although I do wonder why the universe moved me here in the winter.. I remember now why I hate winters. But when the sun does come out it's actually beautiful weather. Looking forward to sharing more weekly posts with you and hoping the sun stays out a little longer on these days from here on out.  Here's my top 7 things from life so far in Denver. The first two are from the same place because I loved this museum so much. Put it on your list if you're visiting Denver.

Crystal Caves transported from Mexico - Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Crystal Caves transported from Mexico - Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Couldn't get enough of this place. - Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Couldn't get enough of this place. - Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Happy hours with city views - Avanti

Happy hours with city views - Avanti

Taking a desert pup into 6 degree winter. Not a fan of winters or his winter wardrobe. - Denver, CO

Taking a desert pup into 6 degree winter. Not a fan of winters or his winter wardrobe. - Denver, CO

Finding GF bakeries in walking distance - Beet box

Finding GF bakeries in walking distance - Beet box

Living in Five Points - the Denver Central Market

Living in Five Points - the Denver Central Market

7 simple things

I know this has been my worst year yet keeping the blog updated. I cannot believe the summer officially ends today and tomorrow begins the first day of fall. I couldn't be more excited, my favorite season of all. It's like everything starts over again in the fall. This summer I feel as though I've experienced so much in such a short period of time. My summer started off with a promotion at Harley-Davidson to marketing and social media manager, which has required at lot more time and attention than my previous position. So to say the very least, it has been keeping my plate quite full {hence the lack of blog love}.  To keep sane I still always check in every week and think of all those simple lil moments that make me happy. Here's to seven that just happened in this last week.

{private trunk show parties on sunday}

{private trunk show parties on sunday}

[coffee and cake with these two}

[coffee and cake with these two}

{passing my motorcycle road test, officially licensed to ride}

{passing my motorcycle road test, officially licensed to ride}

{When creative friends from the other side of the world collaborate and design you gifts of love, forever grateful. Check out more of Jacquie from Bird Black's work on etsy https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/BirdBlackEmporium}

{When creative friends from the other side of the world collaborate and design you gifts of love, forever grateful. Check out more of Jacquie from Bird Black's work on etsy https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/BirdBlackEmporium}

{Gifted with a special edit from the Roots Lookbook by Brie Seavey, http://www.soulsynergyimagery.com/}

{Gifted with a special edit from the Roots Lookbook by Brie Seavey, http://www.soulsynergyimagery.com/}

{fresh cut flowers on friday}

{fresh cut flowers on friday}

 {lil paws while i'm working}

 {lil paws while i'm working}

7 simple things

right now i feel like my life is on a non-stop roller coaster ride full of highs, lows, and sharp unexpected turns. so many decisions to make, and who knows where any of them will lead. i think it is so important to always stop, and think of all those little things we have or do in our day, that makes us happy and be extremely thankful for those simple things.

{gold buddhas}

{watching tomatoes grow from your home}

{spending quality time with shabby}

{pina coladas at the pool}

{weekend summer getaways with old friends}

{campfire s'mores}

{the perfect full moon}

7 simple things

i haven't done my weekly post in awhile not because i haven't wanted to, but because unfortunately my hard drive crashed a few weeks back and i lost all my photos i just updated on my macbook. lesson of the year: use the external hard drive.

in the past few weeks i have had many moments to share. this has been a very exciting month so far with my family that all have returned back to albany for the summer, will's brother just got out of the navy and has returned home, and my sister graduated college! Looking forward to spending the summer with all of them.

sisters reunited

brothers reunited

family pizza nights

choo's welcome home party

family taco nights

my little graduate

rainy days spent at the cafe.. with my new ext. hard drive:)